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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Celebrate Recovery for me? 

Celebrate Recovery offers a person the opportunity to participate in a group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives.


Ask yourself:

Do I struggle with resentments, anger, fear, loneliness or depression?

Do I keep my pain a secret?

Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?

Is there something I wish I could live without?

Is it time to crack my denial and admit I am not in control of my life?

Do I have a painful habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed? 


If you answered “yes” to any of these statements then we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting to see if it is for you. 


Do I have to Join? 

Celebrate Recovery is open for anyone, and everyone attending the Sunday Large and Open Share Groups.  Only Step Study requires participants to "join" and purchase the Participant Materials.


How do i find a local CR? 

Please click here use the CR locator to find a Large/Open Share Group, Celebration Place group and/or The landing Group: 


Is Celebrate Recovery a Safe Place? 

Yes. Celebrate Recovery maintains strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery. We have a saying that is repeated in every Large Group meeting: WHO you see here. WHAT you hear here. WHEN you leave here. STAYS HERE. We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity. The FIVE guidelines/rules protect all of us from judgment and being “fixed”. It creates a “safe place” you can take off your “mask” and be real and honest without fear. 


What are the Five Guidelines/Rules?

  1. Keep your sharing focused on your own thoughts and feelings.  Limit your sharing to three to five minutes.

  2. There is NO cross talk.  Cross talk is when two individuals engage in conversation excluding all others.  Each person is free to express his or her feelings without interruptions.

  3. We are here to support one another, not "fix" another.

  4. Anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements.  What is shared in the group stays in the group.  The only exception is when someone threatens to injure themselves or others.

  5. Offensive language has no place in a Christ-centered recovery group.


What types of issues are dealt with at

Celebrate Recovery? 

A wide variety of hurts, hang-ups and harmful behaviors are represented at Celebrate Recovery. Examples include low self-esteem, need to control, depression, anger, codependency, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, perfectionism, broken relationships, abuse, dependency on alcohol or drugs, and pornography, READ MORE.


What if I can't make it every week?

You are welcome to come when you can for, The Large Group meeting and Open Share groups. As with any endeavor, the more effort you put into Celebrate Recovery, the more benefit you will gain. SEE SCHEDULE


Do I have to be a member of

Word Of Life Christian Center?

No, Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for anyone who is interested in a Christ centered recovery program that will enable them to recover from life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups. There will be attendees who are not members and/or do not attend Word of Life Christian Center. You are welcomed to any of our additional weekly services- Sundays at 8am, 10am,12pm and 6:30pm as well as Wednesdays at 7pm


What if I have children?

Currently, childcare IS provided free of charge for those attending the meetings. 



If you attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting,

you can expect:

    •    Large Group Session. The first part of every meeting includes men and women and typically starts with a worship session. Next, the 8 Biblical Principles or 12 Steps are read aloud. Trained CR team members then take the time to share powerful teaching or testimonies that will encourage, strengthen and facilitate life change.

    •    Small Groups. After the large group session, men and women break into smaller gender-specific groups to talk about recovery on a more personal level.





Use the INTEREST FORM to let us know your are interested in attending a celebrate recovery large group and/or open share group in Las Vegas!

Mountains in Fog

© 2025 Word of Life Christian Center Las Vegas, NV 

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